Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Great Circle of....Love!

Cool thing I learned the other day:  We were in a church in a big town called Pinotepa Nacional doing a medical outreach with a group from Kansas.  One of the guys wanted a Coke and I volunteered to go get it for him because I was in the mood to get out and walk a bit.  It turns out that the store was actually in the church so I didn't have to walk anywhere!  So I used the ten pesos that he'd given me to buy his Coke and gave it to him thinking that that was the end of my big adventure for the day.  A few minutes later, the lady from the store came over to me and gave me the ten pesos back telling me that the pastor had paid for it so I got my money back!  I gave it to the guy that originally got the Coke and again thought that that was the end.  But then, a lady who has some serious health issues was eyeing some of the cookies from the store before she went into the bathroom.  While she was in there, I quick dashed over to the guy with the Coke and asked if I could borrow that ten pesos.  To which he replied that I could keep it!  I went and bought the two types of cookies that they had and there was still some money left over so I let the lady keep it to go on and bless others.  Then when I gave the cookies to the lady she smiled and shared with all of us!  While I was thinking about this later on, I noticed how that first ten pesos given with love by the pastor blossomed into a huge circle of blessings within our group.  In terms of the Lion King:  The Great Circle of Love!

(Before all you Disney lovers get on me about that....I know that it is really The Great Circle of Life but I thought Love sounded better.  =P)