Monday, October 6, 2008

Thank You to EVERYONE!!!

I just wanted to my send out a huge THANK YOU to all my volunteers and everyone who came and supported me!!! Because of all of you wonderful people, I am that much closer to my ultimate goal of $5,000!

I am constantly being reminded of and amazed by the generosity of people! People freely gave their ENTIRE Saturday night to help me out and did a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious job as well! And the people who came to the pasta dinner and donated so much more than they had to. All this generosity absolutely awes me every single time I think about it.

So one more time but certainly not the last..................


Friday, October 3, 2008


The pasta dinner is tomorrow from 4:30~7:00!!!
I am so looking forward to this event! I'm just giddy wondering who will come and what new people I will be able to meet and talk to! I sincerely hope that all of you will be able to make it!
P.S. (I am still looking for volunteers who would be willing to serve. It would be from around 3:30~7:00. Everyone who helps is invited back to my house afterwards.)